Living Well Academy

Living Well Ambassadors 2021-22


The objective of Living Well Ambassadors programme is to promote a better quality of life for our students by educating a group of students with basic mental and physical well-being knowledge. The topics cover mental well-being, physical health, special education needs (SEN) support, health promotion, community services, etc. We aim at:

  • Promoting a better quality of life for Lingnan students;
  • Organizing wellness programmes to serve the university and propagate the ideas of health and well-being;
  • Outreaching and serving the community.
Published on: 15 Aug 2022
Published by: Floyd Horton

Period : Sep 2021 – Jun 2022


Students were recognized at different level of achievements based on the Wellness Units (WU) earned. Certificates will be awarded at the end of the term.


Join all BASIC programmes


Gain more than 10 WUs


Gain more than 15 WUs


Gain more than 20 WUs

I have learnt a lot by joining Living Well Ambassadors Program. For example, I get to know the standard for barrier free access facilities which makes me become sensitive to the need of disabled people. Besides, I've got an opportunity of organizing an hour stress reducing activity for schoolmates. It was the first time I had ever held a zoom activity. I was excited and nervous. Thankfully, everything ran smoothly with the help of groupmates and Rebekah (activities coordinator). The experience has increased my confidence in organizing activities for the future.

I am very happy to be this healthy life ambassador. When planning the event, my team members and I thought of a lot of ways to relieve the pressure of the students. Although we have changed a lot of plans due to the epidemic, we still hope that the students received our blessings.

I joined the 'Five Stars Health, Five Stars Home' project in semester 2 during the year 2021-2022. The project aimed to improve the health awareness of the elderly. We delivered health talks and chair aerobic sessions for participants who were living in home. The project enabled me to gain the hands-on experience on health promotion.

Being a Living Well Ambassador during pandemic was such a challenge. Since we cannot meet face-to-face, we need to change our workshops into online and it is difficult to engage the student through zoom. It was such a unforgettable experience and I am so grateful to be a Living Well Ambassador and be able to organize events to help the students to ease stress.



  • Have to attend all the below programme in order to gain the BASIC level
Briefing Session
Basic Counselling Skill Training
Basic Physical Health Training

Capstone Projects / Electives

Mental Health First-Aid Certificate course
東華三院愛融樂長跑會 iRunners' Club -
SEN Ambassador Programme

Reflection from Miss Shi Yuru (PSY4)
首先很感謝學生事務處能夠提供這次機會讓我瞭解到這麼多有關無障礙設施的知識。在這次活 動中,我自己有親身坐到輪椅上體會輪椅使用者的感受;也親身去學校各個地方查看設施是否 符合標準。這些實地的活動,讓我體會到了學校的人文關懷,也瞭解到了更多的相關知識,為 我以後可能會從事的社會服務工作奠定了基礎。總而言之,對我來說,這是一次非常有意義的 活動。

Wellness to The Community
Health Promotion Ambassadors Training


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