Wellness Articles and Messages
Feature Article
A lot of us are experiencing some level of grief in the past year, we may have lost our family or friends to COVID or we have lost the time spending in campus, the time to socialize with friends, the opportunities to go out to the nature or even just to follow the normal routine … etc. Brittany R. Collins shared with us some tips to get through grief, let’s check it out and regather ourselves in this challenging time.
Full ArticleSocial Connection
There have been lots of conflicts both locally and globally in the past year. How can we twist harmful conflict into a constructive one? Let’s read an article written by Jason Marsh who is the founding editor in chief of Greater Good and the GGSC’s executive director.
Full ArticleCompassion & Gratitude
A lot of people think that compassion is difficult to practice, especially in challenging times. Let’s read Elizabeth Svoboda’s article on “What does ‘tough compassion’ look like in real life? Which offered practical examples of how we express compassion in daily life.
Full ArticleMindfulness & Happiness
Many students complained about Zoom fatigue, some reported that they rely too much on digital devices during the pandemic. Amy Blankson explained how to make good use of the technology and develop a healthy lifestyle with the application of technology.
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