Wellness Activities

Date Activities
27 Jan 2022 Tea time with us
10 Jan 2022 Light up the year with gratitude
3 Jan 2022 Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

Date Activities
3 Dec 2021 Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Workshop
1 Dec 2021 Compassion in Action 2021

Date Activities
26 Nov 2021 Dating happily? Loving happily? (親親密密幸福一生路?)
24 Nov 2021 Seeing the goods in others & Thank you for believing in me (展現感恩, 感恩思維)
23 Nov 2021 Be your own psychological coach 4 (卓越人生: 成為自己的心理教練 4)
20 Nov 2021 Mental Health First Aid training Course (精神健康急救基礎課程)
19 Nov 2021 Using emotions to develop interpersonal skills
12 Nov 2021 Love Unit (愛情學分)
9 Nov 2021 Be your own psychological coach 3 (卓越人生: 成為自己的心理教練 3)
5 Nov 2021 10,000 Steps Challenge
5 Nov 2021 Understanding Depression---Process Drama Experiencing Workshop (認識抑鬱症人士---過程戲劇體驗工作坊)
1 Nov 2021 SF&OC Sharing from Elite Athlete港協暨奧委會精英運動員分享:“武”壇長青樹袁家鎣
1 Nov 2021 Virtual Hiking

Date Activities
30 Oct 2021 Mental Health First Aid training Course (精神健康急救基礎課程)
29 Oct 2021 Yoga x Mindfulness Workshop(瑜伽正念工作坊)
29 Oct 2021 How to deal with bullying (如何面對霸凌)
28 Oct 2021 Domestic First-Aid (Cantonese)
28 Oct 2021 Domestic First-Aid (English)
27 Oct 2021 Discover Your Great Full Self & See the Good Challenge(發現自己, 遇見美好)
26 Oct 2021 Be your own psychological coach 2 (卓越人生: 成為自己的心理教練 2)
25 Oct 2021 Acupressure points used in traditional Chinese medicine中醫講座:五臟按穴管理
23 Oct 2021 Mental Health First Aid training Course (精神健康急救基礎課程)
23 Oct 2021 Mental Health First Aid training Course (精神健康急救基礎課程)
22 Oct 2021 Meaning of Life (生命的意義)
16 Oct 2021 Mental Health First Aid training Course (精神健康急救基礎課程)
12 Oct 2021 Be your own psychological coach 1 (卓越人生: 成為自己的心理教練 1)
7 Oct 2021 Make Your Own Decisions (《社會洪流》自我歷險抉擇TRPG工作坊)
6 Oct 2021 Listen and Express with Us (《聽•說》應對身邊人情緒受困工作坊)
6 Oct 2021 How did I plan my career (踏上人生路)
5 Oct 2021 Breaking The Loop of Anxiety(破解學習焦慮循環)
4 Oct 2021 Strategies for overcoming Procrastination突破拖延枷鎖

Date Activities
30 Sep 2021 Equal Opportunity Awareness Campaign - Sports Activities for Persons with Intellectual Disability
30 Sep 2021 Kin-Ball Workshop
30 Sep 2021 Kickboxing for FUN
30 Sep 2021 Stretching for Relaxation
28 Sep 2021 Donate Blood, Give Life.
25 Sep 2021 Recreational Leadership Training
20 Sept 2021 Wellness Journey
14 Sep 2021 Adapting to the new normal
13 Sep 2021 Living Well Ambassador Briefing
10 Sep 2021 Happy University Life
9 Sep 2021 Bon Voyage - Outline Your University Roadmap

Date Activities
19 Aug 2021 Living Well Ambassadors