Integrated Learning Programme
A Platform to Unleash Your Potentials and Let Your Talents GrowAbout ILP
What's ILP
Lingnan University Management Committee of Integrated Learning Programme
Terms of Reference
To oversee the administration of registration, attendance records and related arrangements of the Integrated Learning Programme (ILP).
To make recommendations on policy and regulations for the administration of the ILP.
To propose courses to be launched in the ILP.
To review the operation of the ILP.
To advise and report to the Senate on matters relating to the ILP.
To review/ consider and approve, under the delegated authority of the Senate, the ILP course proposal and reports.
Prof. LI Dong-hui
Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs), Office of Student Affairs
Ms. Connie WONG
Acting Director of Student Affairs, Office of Student Affairs
Mr. Roy CHAN
Administrative Manager (UG Admissions and Records), Registry
Mr. James CHONG
Manager and Strategic Lead, Learning Innovation, Teaching and Learning Centre
Mr. Jeff LIU
Associate University Librarian (Services and Strategy), Library
Ms. Veronica YICK
Assistant Information Manager I (User Services), Information Technology Services Centre
Ms. NG Aik Min
Senior Project Officer, Office of Service-Learning
One Student Representative
Representative from the Students' Union
One Student Representative
Representative from the Student Hostel Associations
Mr. Jeffy LAU
Assistant Student Affairs Manager I (Leadership Development & Enrichment Section), Office of Student Affairs
Mr. Jeffy LAU
Assistant Student Affairs Manager I (Leadership Development & Enrichment Section), Office of Student Affairs